The Official Home of The
Boston Blues Society
About The Boston Blues Society
>> Filed paperwork with the Secretary of The State of Massachusetts. Click Here and search for "Boston Blues Society"
The Boston Blues Society™ is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please consider making a tax deductible Donation or become a Member!
The Boston Blues society was founded in 1987 in by Holly Harris, Karen Leipziger, Ricky King Russell, and Watermelon Slim, as a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the blues. Our goals are to involve the community through education of blues music and Southern culture; to act in the community by providing fundraisers for charitable organizations; and to teach children and adults about this great, original American art form. The Boston Blues Society runs the yearly blues challenge as part of theBlues Foundation's International Blue Challenge
Below are the people who keep The Boston Blues Society running. If you'd like to get in touch with anyone here, please use our Contact Form and we will get the message to them.
Meet the team
June 2024
Tom Hazeltine
Tom at
Lynne Hudson
Vice President
Lynne at
Paul McNeil
Paul at
Cindy Daley
Secretary / Clerk
Cindy at
Adam Signore
BoD / Photo / Web
Adam at
Holly Harris
Board of Directors
Frank Walsh
Beverly Kandler Dancey
Board of Directors
Karen Nugent
If you'd like to contact us Or use our: Contact Us Form
If you want to send us a letter:
The Boston Blues Society2 Guild StreetNorwood, MA 02062
The Boston Blues Society Mission
The Boston Blues Society is on a mission, Many missions actually. First and foremost we are rebuilding our presence after many years of the society being held together by two very dedicated members. Paul & Beverly are to be thanked for not letting this go under. That said we have a lot of rebuilding to do. Website, Memberships, Donations, Emergency Funds for musicians, sponserships and most importantly, bringing our 501c3 status up to date.. All these things take money We want to bring value to our members in terms of discounts to shows and lots of resources to help you find and support the blues, and be assured we will get there.
If you have any ideas please reach out with them and maybe consider joining a subcommitte.
First order of business is getting the house in order and the machine up to speed. Please consider making a tax deductible Donation or become a dues paying . Membership of the boston Blues Society. Memberships are $20/Year and renew automatically (cancel any time)
We want to fund education, bring the blues to youth and so much more but it starts with you. Make sure to check out our socials (links at the bottom of each page)
The Boston Blues Society is an all volunteer organization but we can't do it without you!