The Official Home Of The
Boston Blues Society
Advertise with the Boston Blues Society
- To place an ad in the new online magazine, email for information. Please note: Pricing info and online purchasing will be coming soon!
- The ad month starts the day the ad is posted on the site. Ads are not posted until payment is confirmed
- Ad Size Specifications (subject to change)
- Homepage Banner, Inner Page Banner & Newsletter Ads ($00 /$00 /$00) 950W X 150H X 150P/I resolution / 500k filesize max / .jpg, .gif, .png
- Block Ads, Home Page and Interior Pages: ($00 /$00) 250W X 350H X 150p/i resolution / 500k filesize max / .jpg, .gif, .png
- Please provide a URL for us to link to in your ad.
- We can provide graphic design for a onetime fee. Plase submit ad materials to We will review your submissions and when notified please return here to purchase your advertising run.
- Purchases are by the month, if you want your ad to run for three months, set QTY to 3 in checkout.
- One note about graphics. Keep text large font size and brief. The image needs to scale to mobile devices.
- Use Qty for each Ad purchase to select how many months Ad should run